First Appointment Checklist: Preparing for your session

Family looking towards river and mountains

It's completely normal to feel a range of emotions when attending your first psychology appointment.

Embarking on your first therapy session can feel like stepping into the unknown, so we’ve created a guide to help you navigate what to expect and make the most out of your journey to self-discovery and healing.

1. Give yourself permission to feel how you feel

Our team is fully prepared to support you effectively from the moment you walk through our doors.
In our clinic, you will find kindness, understanding and respect.

2. Information we might need

Email us any relevant paperwork, or bring it with you to your first session. This may be a GP referral for a Mental Health Plan, an NDIS plan or Insurance information. Our aim is to make your visit at our clinic is as stress-free as possible, and making sure paperwork is sorted in our system beforehand allows us to ensure we have all the necessary information to proceed with your session.

3. Arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled session

When you arrive, our friendly team will greet you and ask to confirm the name under your appointment. You or your support person will be given some paperwork to complete that helps us get to know you better, so arriving early will give you as much time as you need before your session.

4. Your session begins

When it’s time for your session, your therapist (Psychologist or Counsellor) will greet you in the waiting room and guide you to a therapy room. We have refreshments like water, tea & coffee - just ask our front desk team if you’d like a cuppa. Your therapist will start the session by review your paperwork and asking a few questions, and most importantly, what you would like to achieve in your sessions.

5. Your session ends

When your session ends, your therapist will explore potential pathways forward for you to consider, and may provide you with support material to take home. Whilst we know homework can be boring, we may give you a few excersise or methods to practice in your day-to-day until your next session.

6. Follow up appointments

When you return to the waiting room, our front desk team will be waiting to assist you with making another appointment.

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